Lifeforce at work

A wandering mind is an unhappy mind.
People spend around half of their waking hours thinking about something else than what they are doing.
This study by Harvard shows that our mental lives are pervaded, to a remarkable degree, by the nonpresent.
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Today, in this era of constant physical “time-space” conflict, we feel squeezed in between calls who are crying out for our instant attention. The human concentration span has dwindled with the current overload of distraction.

While we’re moving forward on the fast lane, our capacity to focus gets saturated at a breaking level from an endless stream of images , content and other distracting input. As a result, the wandering consumer is at loss regarding where to go and how to choose, willing to create an environment, but yet unable to assemble knowledge & grow in deeper wisdom.
A concerted effort to reform people’s attention span needs to be challenged.

Out of the need to unplug from an overstimulated society, Cédric Etienne proposes a new language to stand still and bring us again closer to our true potential. Fascinated by the hidden power of silence, Cédric Etienne wants to understand how to curate stillness and bring a higher meaning back into life.

Companies have the responsibility to provide a healthy working environment to their employees. The happier the employees, the more loyal, the more productive, and the better the results. This masterclass wants to inspire transformational leaders to invest in the life energy of their teams and to value the benefits of a still mind and his influence on the general work-life continuum.

The masterclass “Lifeforcec at work” integrates meditation practice in a simple challenge programme for both on the work floor and at home.

Meditation is an ancient discipline, deeply rooted in human wisdom.
Today many scientific studies have confirmed the benefits of meditation on health in the broadest sense.
Not only as a healing practice to reduce stress, or to heal from emotional burn-outs , anxieties … but as a tool to solve challenges, to improve focus or to come closer to your true potential.

Meditation is about connecting with yourself from a deeper sense of awareness.
Through regular meditation, you will become more conscious about how you can move away from the egoic conditioned mind, in order to see life with more clarity.
In ancient sanskrit, the aim is to cultivate more a higher state of presence and stillness in order to journey towards the ultiimate state of Samadhi, or enlightenment.

In this masterclass programme , we embark on the transformative path towards holistic lifeforce, inner stillness and freedom.
Over 5 classes of 50min, we will navigate through different meditation techniques and will share guided wisdom in order to feel inspired to practice at home, or anywhere else.
The aim is to unlock your inner space to ground and recharge your lifeforce from a place of inner stillness in order to download the highest potential of your authentic being.

_inner peace
_stress reduction
_life force
_higher potential

_Introduction to the art of meditation guided by Cédric Etienne 
_Techniques in conscious breathwork 
_Introspective relaxation practice 
_Connect to your lifeforce through sound
_Tips & tricks : how to integrate meditation in your daily life in order to activate the benefits of meditation

_on demand according the needs of your organisation

_on demand : at your company or on a specific location

custom made retreat programmes over several days as a team incentive are available on demand

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With gratitude,
